LABELS that define who we are and how we LIVE

  Excitement vs. Comfort

Do you actually know who you are? Mother, father, brother, sister, boyfriend, girlfriend, surfer, day dreamer or chef…Actually there are much more labels that define us as people. But this is not who you are or what your character is like. These are social roles that you perform, this is not you. Moreover, these social roles have nothing to do with your own inner strength, personality and wisdom.

If you are proud by having any of those labels - great. They are not bad or insufficient; they are just the first layer that covers your personality. You are who you are, because of your character. Are you a player in life that always wants to win? Are you kind, social, sweet person who cares about people and likes to create bonds with them? Are you individualist protecting own personal identity more than anything? Are you an idealist ready to even die for his dream? Are you a person who always chooses the easy path? These are just some of your identity qualities; mixture of those is who you actually are.

Who are you matters, because exactly this part of you makes the life choices, changes and key decisions. The changes, the key decisions - all of these are made in this part of you – the REAL you. Knowing more about yourself allows you to make wiser, better choices for you. The simplest and most accurate way to get to know yourself is by doing something new and observing the skills you use. Most often these are your strongest skills and competitive advantages. Sometimes these are so easy for you that you forget you own those skills and you do certain things better than others.

Reminding yourself how great, extraordinary and different you are is great motivator to use. You do not have to have 100 role models or leaders to follow. You can make your future self your ROLE model. This way you won’t get discouraged every time when things do not go as planned and you will stop blaming yourself. These two things make you a winner from day ONE.

Being kind and loving to yourself matter more than anything in life. Of course you want more, of course you expect changes, and of course you have dreams and goals. This is great, but do not stop supporting and caring for yourself through the journey. Success lies in finding yourself, accepting yourself, using your strengths in every possibility and coping with your weaknesses. Nobody is perfect, but everybody has the chance to be great and extraordinary. It all lies down in your hands and choices.

If you are ready to start making more choices for yourself and begin the process of change – growth start here:

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P.s This is my New Year resolution for the upcoming year.